hey fam. Please vote on SIP: 83. Change votingDelay, claim revenues from 12 silos. What are you voting on.

24 Jun 2023, 11:39
hey fam Please vote on SIP: 83 Change votingDelay, claim revenues from 12 silos What are you voting on? 1- Claim XAI revenue (~58,000 XAI): SiloDAO has extended XAI credit lines into several silos. When users borrow XAI in those silos, all borrowing interest accrues to the DAO (TimelockController). The proposal claims accrued revenues from 12 silos and forwards it to team-controlled Safe (0xE8e8041cB5E3158A0829A19E014CA1cf91098554). The team will add the revenue amount to the buyback program as voted previously. 2- Change votingDelay: The proposal changes a governance parameter, adding 128-block space (roughly 24 minutes) between the time of creating a proposal and the time the proposal becomes available for delegates to vote on. This prevents multi-block governance attacks References: - How XAI works: - Increase SiloGovernor’s votingDelay: - Team-controlled Safes: