Executed successfully: SIP-34 - Change IRM config for WETH (all silos) and XAI (DAI/USDT silos). What's changed.

01 Feb 2023, 17:22
Executed successfully: SIP-34 - Change IRM config for WETH (all silos) and XAI (DAI/USDT silos). What's changed? - ETH Deposit/Borrow APY is now set at comparable rates to other lending markets across all our silos. ETH APY increased to 5.8% in the cbETH silo, for example. If you have some ETH, drop it in the market. - You can now lend/borrow $XAI at 2% fixed interest rate in the DAI & USDT silos. 1M XAI will be available in these two silos on Sunday. Don't forget to join our community call on Friday.